March Trestleboard 2023

March Trestleboard 2023

The March Trestleboard is now available for download:

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Among Free and Accepted Masons the level symbolizes equality. We meet upon the level. Masons are taught that we all come from the same place, are working towards similar goals, and share the same hope. By interacting on the level, we establish trust. Why does building trust matter so much? And what can we do to increase trust within our Lodge? Trust can be a frustrating action to analyze, in that it tends to be a gut feeling for us instead of a concrete choice.

St. John's Lodge

As Seattle’s oldest Masonic Lodge, St. John’s offers a tried and true system to create community leaders and give men working tools to enable positive change around them. This Lodge provides an environment of friendship where men of all trades mentor and help each other grow.