The Importance of Masonic Education
Masonic Education remains at the heart of our Fraternity. From the 7 Liberal Arts to the progression through degrees, education is a fundamental building block to a Mason’s Temple.
Masonic Education remains at the heart of our Fraternity. From the 7 Liberal Arts to the progression through degrees, education is a fundamental building block to a Mason’s Temple.
Past Masters Enjoy Brunch and Friendly Gathering 4 Times a Year. They’re not Knights at a Round Table, but there’s still something special about getting together for friendship and brotherhood around the table at Jimmy’s on Broadway. On the last Saturday of January, April, July, and October Past Masters (and affiliated Past Masters) of St. John’s enjoy a late breakfast, gentle ribbing, and occasional serious conversation. It may be about their...
Read MoreMaster greets fourteen Past Masters at September meeting...
Read MoreSt. John's No. 9 Celebrates 156 years as part of the Community....
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